Friday, August 4, 2006
Timing is everything, but Senate Democrats aren't falling for
that one again. On Monday, the day before confirmation hearings
for Bush family friend Andrew von Eschenbach, the agency said it
would meet with the maker of the emergency contraceptive, Plan B,
to talk about over-the-counter sales. The FDA has only had a
confirmed head for 18 months of the entire Bush Presidency, but
Democrats want over-the-counter approval first. The FDA said its
initial rejection was based on concern for the safety of young
girls. It proposes limiting over-the-counter sales to 18 or
older. You might think the "emergency" would be greater for the
young, but opponents say it would encourage sexual activity. To
insist that society rely on abstinence is to deny an instinct
against which the gods themselves seem unable to contend. The
entire history of mankind is testament to its inexorable power.
Moderate Republicans took a 6-4 advantage over conservatives on
the Kansas Board of Education. Evolution, of course, was the
issue. In principle, evolutionists could increase that to 8-2 in
November, but this is Kansas where the general election is just a
formality. Whether this is more evidence of the "Dover effect"
is not clear (WN 17 Feb 06) ,
but don't count the intelligent design movement out.
August is a slow month, and I promised last week to say a little
about Ramtha and William Tiller. Ramtha is a 35,000 year-old
spirit-warrior from Atlantis who showed up in JZ Knight's Tacoma,
WA kitchen in 1977. She is his channel. I first learned of
Ramtha a year ago from William Tiller, PhD, a physicist who was
the expert witness for Pacific Health Center, Inc., charged by
the State of Washington with violating consumer protection laws
with a fraudulent medical diagnostic device. I agreed to be the
expert witness for the State of Washington. Pacific Health lost.
Tiller had been at Stanford before taking "early retirement," I
think they call it. I was familiar with a 1994 medical device
that Tiller said would protect computer users from the effects of
EMF (WN 27 May 94) . To my
knowledge, no one who bought the device was ever harmed by EMF
from their computer. Tiller says he has a high regard for the
graduates of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment who produced Bleep.
He said the movie doubled the sale of his books.
For a year, yesterday's Nature says, to save money. This is the
"Washington Monument ploy." WN predicted a year ago that NASA
would try it (WN 11 Mar 05) ,
but there is no meaningful research on the ISS to shut down.